Health Impact Assessment of the Proposed Compressor Station,
Weymouth, MA
Thursday, June 21
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Adams Middle School
89 Middle Street, Weymouth
Join us as we initiate a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on a proposed natural gas compressor station in the Town of Weymouth.

The community meeting will include an open house with a brief presentation for participants to familiarize themselves with the HIA process and the proposed decision, as well as space for discussion and public input about potential health effects and concerns related to the proposed station.
Please RSVP at the link below if you plan to attend!
A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a process that uses available data, health expertise, and public input to identify the possible health effects of a proposed change. HIAs are used to assess proposals, such as development projects or legislative policies, to produce recommendations that optimize health outcomes.
Questions? Contact:
Barry Keppard, MAPC Public Health Director
[email protected] | 617.933.0750